Running bike path on Valentine's Day 2010.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I've been riding my bike a little more lately, which has been excellent to balance the running. I rode out to Eastlake Saturday morning and ran 4 miles, then pedaled back.

The run was a lap warmup around the Eastlake road loop. Then out of the park and down the road to the gravel road and back, plus two laps of the Eastlake road loop. So altogether, it was 4 miles. I ran a pretty steady pace, pushing it at times, then concluded with a bit of a slower lap on the Eastlake road. 5:56 for the warmup lap, then when I came back, I ran 5:23, and concluded with 5:36.

4 miles for the day, 10.65 miles for the week in three runs.

33 miles on new shoes

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