Running bike path on Valentine's Day 2010.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Great January

Well, my 4-plus miles on Monday caused a little pain in my right lower leg (on outside of Achilles). I took it easy Wednesday, 2 miles with Connor, then felt better for yesterday (Friday). It got a little sore as I was running 3 miles with Madison and Connor, and it's a bit sore this morning, but it's not injured. I just need to take it easy on that leg.

I ran hard with Madison and Connor yesterday. Three miles, Sugar Hill run. 8:35, 8:11 and 8:30ish type miles. I was hurting at the end, but it did me good to do it. The best thing is I enter February with a great month under my belt, running consistently. I'll just build on this.

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