Running bike path on Valentine's Day 2010.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Easing back in

I had a setback 10 days ago. I was running the Grandview run and feeling good -- but wary of the calf injury. About a half-mile in, the soleus cramped up again. I was finished. I did manage to finish the 5K in 27:34, but I was jogging the last 2 1/2 miles. So I took enough time off that there was no pain at all.

Today, I decided to try it again. I ran on the grass soccer fields at Eastlake, very easy. I ran 21 minutes, then stopped. Then I did about 5 soccer field runs. With a few seconds rest between each. Again, my pace was quite easy 9:30-10 minutes. I am going to be extra cautious with these calf problems. It was a total of 25 minutes.

I think part of the problem is that I am getting dehydrated easily. I wonder if taking the sleeping pill, amitryptilin, is causing dehydration. I am always dry at night and wake up at least once at night to go to the bathroom.

2.5 miles. 46 miles on new shoes.

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