Running bike path on Valentine's Day 2010.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Excellent effort again

My legs felt very strong as I started my 4 x 3-minute 5K effort reps tonight. No injuries or pains to speak of.

i warmed up 7 minutes, then on the Columbus track, ran 3-minute repeats at 5K pace, with 3-minute jog between reps. I thought I might be doing 7:45 pace, but on the last one, I took lane 1 to see how fast I was running my 400. I hit 1:46 (7:04 pace), so I was going a little faster than I probably should have, but it does mean I'm in pretty good shape -- or getting that way.

10-minute cooldown to make it a 40-minute night. 4.5 miles.

Miles on shoes -- 256

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