Today I was tired after practice and felt sort of dead-legged, but I came home and ran 3.7 miles. It was a nice, strong pace for so early in my program. I ran 32:48 (8:51 pace), including 8:34 pace the second half of the run. My course was north on Grande Ave., turn at the prison, wind around the circular drive near the MHI, then out and east on Deerpath? out to the Aldi's road (1.85 miles) and back. I like the run. Not a lot of traffic, scenic. It was a beautiful day and night -- just adding to this spectacular week of weather.
Yesterday, I ran the half-mile warmup with the team, then to Eli's and back (1 mile) for a total of 1.5 miles. Just a jog.
Tuesday, I eased up from my tough Sunday run. I did the half-mile warmup, then the 1.5 miles to Chataqua Park and back for a total of 2 miles. Again, very easy.
Sunday, it was close to 4 miles. I ran to the road that goes to the compost pile and back. Had a little problem with the outside of the right achilles area coming back, but I stopped and stretched it and it felt better.
Miles on shoes -- 202
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