I woke up today to my foot feeling better -- just a little tender, but able to run. I did a warmup lap in the park, then ran a 1.2 miles down the airport road and back. I measured off a mile, which I ran in 8:23 going with the wind and 8:59 coming back against the wind. It felt very good -- the foot actually got better the longer I ran. It's a weird thing -- just some soreness near the achilles, but it doesn't get worse. It actually improves as I run, and then at some point, it will go away completely. I don't know if it is the change in shoes or what.
Then I ran 5 minutes back and forth on the soccer fields as kind of a cooldown for a 32-minute run. The 5K including the warmup was 26:30 -- which is outstanding, 8:33 a mile. My conditioning has come a long way.
Miles for week -- 14
Miles on new shoes --22
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