Running bike path on Valentine's Day 2010.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Semi-hard 3-mile cross country

I ran the Cedarcrest cross country course before the Columbus Cross Country meet today in 24:33 -- about 8:31 a mile. I ran it semi-hard -- not all out or not a jog. It is very hilly and I try to push the hills fairly hard. It felt good. Then I picked out a 25-second incline -- 100 meters? -- and pushed it 5 times and joged back.

My weird pain on my right side is more of a hip-butt pain -- not a hamstring. When I push it, especially on hills, I feel it a little. I think for the next few weeks I just make sure I get rest, and it will be fine.

3.3 miles.

226 miles on my new shoes.

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