A lot has changed since I last wrote. First of all, I have a new job. I am a teacher at a school about 1/6 the size of my old school. I am no longer teaching journalism or advising a newspaper. I am delving into an area I am just learning, Talented and Gifted students. I also am teaching seventh-graders, ninth-graders and a handful of upperclassmen in English classes.
I ran as consistently as I could into the summer. When I got the job, I also agreed to be a volunteer assistant on the fledgling cross country team. I teamed with the winningest basketball coach in Iowa high school history, who was returning to coach cross country for the first time in 40 years. We were an interesting pair: Me, a running purist who has loved the sport since he ran his first step 33 years ago, and him, an old-school coach who simply knows how to get a lot out of kids. We did very well, coaching the girls' team to 5th place in the district meet and advancing a girl to state. She finished 27th as a freshman, and we were very proud of her.
I have a knee problem. I run for a while, and it gets sore. I hurt it a few years ago, simply walking. I suddenly, unexpectedly, stepped off a curb and jarred my knee. It felt funny, like I had injured it. And it never went away. There was pain when I climbed steps, and it never really got better. Then, last summer, I was riding my bike. I was really pushing it in a high gear, and I felt more pain. Then it got very sore. It has been that way when I run more than 20 minutes.
I will be getting new shoes this week, and hopefully that solves some of it.
Running bike path on Valentine's Day 2010.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
4 miles
Yesterday, I ran 4 miles (to Ceco and back) in 38:30. It was 20 minutes going (10 minutes a mile) and 18:30 coming back (9:15). My body is almost like clockwork. I am doing 9:15ish pace when I get good and warmed up, and these days, it takes me 15 minutes or so to get warmed up. Tomorrow, I think I will run on the track about a half-hour, then do some strides on the football field.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Overcoming handicaps
Yesterday, I ran about 37 minutes through Eastlake -- the soccer park, the grass trails. I did feel some pain early, but I run according to the pain. It backed off as I went on with the run and kept the pace slow. I believe this is allowing me to overcome Achilles tendinitis and minor stuff with my lower legs and left knee. It's funny that the title of this blog is "Riley goes for 5-minute mile." Someday, I think I can seriously launch an attempt at a 5-minute mile. But for now, I am simply running with little consideration of my speed. Consistency has been very important in my success. If I don't feel like running the full time, I cut it back to 15 or 20 minutes, then feel a little better the next time.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Gutting it out
I ran this morning, and it was real painful at first. My left knee hurts. Both lower legs near the Achilles hurt. But after about 10 minutes, I got in a rhythm and things started to feel better. I am getting the idea that I'll never run completely pain-free. I went a total of 33 minutes toward downtown and back. My conditioning is great, and if I could run a little faster, I would. This followed a bike ride to the track and 20-minute run Friday.
Saturday, June 7 -- 31 minutes (race)
Monday, June 9 -- 30 minutes easy.
Wednesday, June 11 -- 33 minutes steady.
Friday, June 13 -- 20 minutes plus bike.
Sunday, June 15 -- 33 minutes, with pain, but easing.
Saturday, June 7 -- 31 minutes (race)
Monday, June 9 -- 30 minutes easy.
Wednesday, June 11 -- 33 minutes steady.
Friday, June 13 -- 20 minutes plus bike.
Sunday, June 15 -- 33 minutes, with pain, but easing.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Smart run
After a couple of days of difficult outdoor yard work, and a real easy 30 minutes on MOnday as I recover from the Turkey Trot, I ran a beautiful run today. It rode my bike 8-9 minutes out to Eastlake, then ran 33 minutes on the soccer fields. It was real windy and I didn't try to push it at all. This was smart. My Achilles needed a solid, yet soft surface of grass. And I only needed to glide along. that's what I felt like I was doing -- gliding. No strain, just relaxed running. I didn't even care about the pace -- that's what I need to do. The pace is unimportant right now. Just go out and do it.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Brutal run
The Turkey Trot 5K was a brutal run. It was extremely hot and humid and it really was 3.3 miles over hills. I ran about 8 minute pace (26:38) and finished 4th overall, 1st in my age group. I started in great form and felt good for probably a mile and a half, but it was actually too fast and it was a struggle just to finish.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
35 minutes
35 minutes this morning, with my usual achiness. But things go a lot better as I loosen up and the run goes on. I'm ready for the 5K downtown on Saturday. I have no idea what I'll run, but I plan to do pretty well. It would be great to break 24.
Tomorrow is the last day of school, and that makes me very happy. I need to write and run and read and turn the page on this year -- get ready for a new year.
Tomorrow is the last day of school, and that makes me very happy. I need to write and run and read and turn the page on this year -- get ready for a new year.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Setting sights on fall
I ran a little over 3 miles this morning, overcoming the usual stiffness and tightness and soreness to enjoy a good run. 32 minutes.
I now have my sights set on the fall and especially cross country season. I will be a volunteer assistant for the Wash boys. I am looking forward to working with Coach Harte and these kids. But first, I'll focus on having a good summer of running and preparation for a great next school year.
This weekend, I plan to run a 5K downtown. Maybe 24-25 minutes?
I now have my sights set on the fall and especially cross country season. I will be a volunteer assistant for the Wash boys. I am looking forward to working with Coach Harte and these kids. But first, I'll focus on having a good summer of running and preparation for a great next school year.
This weekend, I plan to run a 5K downtown. Maybe 24-25 minutes?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Running into summer
This morning was a great run, about 36 minutes around the track. Then I did 3-4 strides on the football field. I'm going to run a 5K downtown on Saturday, so I'm trying to be in top form. This follows 31 minutes down 218 toward downtown on Friday after school. I'm in a good groove. My legs aren't fully cooperating with me -- soreness in the Achilles, left knee, etc. But you know what? I'm 48 years old, trying to turn around the inertia. I was somewhat inactive with running for a good while. I'm probably doing something that is not natural on my legs, but it is going fine.
I did not get the Fairfield job and will not be a head cross country coach at a high school this fall. I am going for the Franklin MS job, which I hope to find out about on Monday, or I will help Coach Harte at Wash. Either way, I will be coaching runners in the fall. This was my idea when I decided to become a teacher -- being a coach is part of it. I have a passion and an expertise as a runner, and I want to share that with young runners. I will build my program piece by piece until I do get a head high school position.
I did not get the Fairfield job and will not be a head cross country coach at a high school this fall. I am going for the Franklin MS job, which I hope to find out about on Monday, or I will help Coach Harte at Wash. Either way, I will be coaching runners in the fall. This was my idea when I decided to become a teacher -- being a coach is part of it. I have a passion and an expertise as a runner, and I want to share that with young runners. I will build my program piece by piece until I do get a head high school position.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Summer-like run
I had a beautiful run of 31 minutes today from home to Eastlake Park, circled around the hayfield loop in about 5 minutes, then around the soccer fields and back. It was muggy and probably 75 degrees, and it was about noon, so I felt weak. But my legs are pain-free and feeling strong. Great form, great pace, relaxed. The left knee is good (I hurt it a few weeks ago pushing it too hard on my bike). The Achilles are good. My theory is that they flare up when I have to spend all that time in the car with my feet in unnatural positions (one on the accelerator, one bent unnaturally). So this summer, when I don't have to do that, I believe they will improve greatly. On Saturday, I ran 23 minutes on the track. But the other malady -- the cramping in my toes on my left food -- plagued me because I had spent all day on my feet mowing and working in the yard. That is a recipe for disaster. Best time for a run: 8 a.m. or so when I have time to be on the feet for a little bit, but not too long. They're ready to run.
I'm waiting to see if God wants me to be the English teacher and girls' cross country coach at Fairfield High School. I should know in a few days. I am mentally preparing for it, and have devised a summer running schedule for the girls:
Run as a group Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Run two other days during the week – one weekday and one weekend day.
Week 1 (June 2-8) – 30-35 minutes.
Week 2 (June 9-15) – 35 minutes.
Week 3 (June 16-22) – 35-40 minutes.
Week 4 (June 23-29) -- Back to 30 minutes.
Week 5 (June 30-July 6) – 35-40 minutes, plus strides of 100-120 yards. Not quite an all-out sprint, but it should be fast leg turnover and controlled running. Start with 4 strides after each run, with full rest between each stride.
Week 6 (July 7-July 13) – 40 minutes, plus 5 strides X three days. Make the weekend run 50 minutes.
Week 7 (July 14-July 20) – 40-45 minutes, plus 6 strides X three days. Make the weekend run 55 minutes.
Week 8 (July 21-July 27) – Back to 30-35 minutes, plus 4 strides X three days. Either make the weekend run one hour or run the Bix 7 run in Davenport.
Week 9 (July 28-August 3) – 40-45 minutes plus 5 strides X three days. Make the weekend run 50 minutes.
Week 10 (August 4-August 10) – 45 minutes, plus 6 strides X three days. Make the weekend run 65 minutes.
Week 11 (August 11-August 17) – 45 minutes, plus 7 strides X three days. Run Saturday, and take Sunday off.
If you follow this plan perfectly, you will enter the first day of “official” practice, August 18, in outstanding shape. Here is how this would translate to mileage:
· If you run all 55 days of this schedule, you will run about 2,200 minutes. If you average 9 minutes a mile, that would be about 250 miles. If you averaged 8:30 a mile, that would be 260 miles, 8 minutes a mile, 275 miles, etc.
So I will be making four different T-shirts to honor your commitment to cross country this summer.
· 200 miles.
· 225 miles.
· 250 miles.
· 275 miles.
I'm waiting to see if God wants me to be the English teacher and girls' cross country coach at Fairfield High School. I should know in a few days. I am mentally preparing for it, and have devised a summer running schedule for the girls:
Run as a group Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Run two other days during the week – one weekday and one weekend day.
Week 1 (June 2-8) – 30-35 minutes.
Week 2 (June 9-15) – 35 minutes.
Week 3 (June 16-22) – 35-40 minutes.
Week 4 (June 23-29) -- Back to 30 minutes.
Week 5 (June 30-July 6) – 35-40 minutes, plus strides of 100-120 yards. Not quite an all-out sprint, but it should be fast leg turnover and controlled running. Start with 4 strides after each run, with full rest between each stride.
Week 6 (July 7-July 13) – 40 minutes, plus 5 strides X three days. Make the weekend run 50 minutes.
Week 7 (July 14-July 20) – 40-45 minutes, plus 6 strides X three days. Make the weekend run 55 minutes.
Week 8 (July 21-July 27) – Back to 30-35 minutes, plus 4 strides X three days. Either make the weekend run one hour or run the Bix 7 run in Davenport.
Week 9 (July 28-August 3) – 40-45 minutes plus 5 strides X three days. Make the weekend run 50 minutes.
Week 10 (August 4-August 10) – 45 minutes, plus 6 strides X three days. Make the weekend run 65 minutes.
Week 11 (August 11-August 17) – 45 minutes, plus 7 strides X three days. Run Saturday, and take Sunday off.
If you follow this plan perfectly, you will enter the first day of “official” practice, August 18, in outstanding shape. Here is how this would translate to mileage:
· If you run all 55 days of this schedule, you will run about 2,200 minutes. If you average 9 minutes a mile, that would be about 250 miles. If you averaged 8:30 a mile, that would be 260 miles, 8 minutes a mile, 275 miles, etc.
So I will be making four different T-shirts to honor your commitment to cross country this summer.
· 200 miles.
· 225 miles.
· 250 miles.
· 275 miles.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Holding up
As the headline says, I am holding up, despite some pain. I ran 5.5 miles with Kim and Shane last Thursday, May 15, which gave me a lot of confidence. It also gave me a lot of soreness in my lower legs. Then Saturday, I ran on the grass trail and soccer fields at the park -- a real solid run. Then last night, Monday, I ran about a half-hour in the park. My conditioning is very solid. I just need to make sure I'm staying stretched and not pushing it too hard so that I hurt myself. This is the most perseverance i have shown in running for a long time. I am so motivated to think that I may be running with my own cross country team in the fall. I need to hold up and stay with it.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Things are going well
My running has been strong lately, kind of buoyed by the distinct possibility that I might be coaching cross country in the fall. I'm very excited about it, trying to put myself into the right frame of mind as I run.
Yesterday, I ran 36 minutes to Hy-Vee and back. I think I might scale it back to 30 tomorrow. I'm on an even keel.
Yesterday, I ran 36 minutes to Hy-Vee and back. I think I might scale it back to 30 tomorrow. I'm on an even keel.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Nice run on track
The base of my right Achilles, where it connects to the heel, was hurting last week. So I took Friday and just ran 20 minutes -- very easily. Then come Sunday morning, it was feeling great. So I ran 32 steady minutes on the track. I felt in great condition, cranking it up to about 9-minute pace. But I wasn't labored -- things were smooth. I feel like sometimes I am doing a better job of listening to my body.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Nice trail run
I ran on the Sac and Fox trail at school -- during the break in pasteup. I went 16 minutes out and back for a total of 32 minutes. that was beautiful. It was a nice, warm day. I don't know if I was necessarily running fast, but nice and steady. Probably 3 1/2 miles. I really, really need a trail in my back yard.
That was followed by 3 miles on Monday morning. My Achilles right down at the base is a little tender, but it's manageable. After a day of rest between runs, it is nice. I just had to run tonight, it was so nice.
That was followed by 3 miles on Monday morning. My Achilles right down at the base is a little tender, but it's manageable. After a day of rest between runs, it is nice. I just had to run tonight, it was so nice.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Courageous run
It's been a while -- a few weeks. On March 29, I had a great run -- 4 miles and I was on pace to run 36 minutes. So I was right on track. About 30 minutes into that run, I felt a twinge in my lower right calf. Actually, it felt like the Achilles area. It was a strain of some sort -- sort of a cramping, but it felt like it strained a tendon. So I did a nice job for the last two weeks of nursing it along. Not completely staying off it, because I swear that is not the best solution. When I do that, I believe I make myself more prone to injury when I return. So I rode my bike, did a little jogging (not much), until I ran Wednesday, April 9, about 20 minutes at the track. It felt fine, then just a little bit of a twinge, so I ended the run.
Then yesterday, I read in the paper where there was a 5K at East Lake Park. Just a fun run, predict your time. My leg felt great, and I said, I'm just going to try it. I'm happy I did. On a cold, wet, even with snowflakes flying, I ran a nice run. I even ran longer -- probably 2-3 minutes -- because I didn't know the course. I made it in 27:55 -- so I was running 8-9 minutes a mile. It was great, and I feel pretty good right now.
I'm going to join the running club and get together with these people on MOnday nights. I feel good, like I can make some good progress now.
Then yesterday, I read in the paper where there was a 5K at East Lake Park. Just a fun run, predict your time. My leg felt great, and I said, I'm just going to try it. I'm happy I did. On a cold, wet, even with snowflakes flying, I ran a nice run. I even ran longer -- probably 2-3 minutes -- because I didn't know the course. I made it in 27:55 -- so I was running 8-9 minutes a mile. It was great, and I feel pretty good right now.
I'm going to join the running club and get together with these people on MOnday nights. I feel good, like I can make some good progress now.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Fighting the elements
Tuesday and today I ran against the wind. Tonight, I went 33 minutes -- the first 11 into a cold, steady wind. It tired me out but coming back I found a rhythm. My cardiovascular conditioning feels outstanding. The difficult thing is fatigue from a day's work -- being up since 5 a.m. then running after work. But I am making good progress. Tuesday, it was warmer, but I was tired and just ran and ran. Not fast, but good steady running around East Lake for 38 minutes. That was my longest run.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Feeling strong
I've probably got more of a task ahead of me than I think, but I did feel strong on today's run. I ran 3.6 miles in 34:39, starting out slow and pushing it the second half. I was running about 9-minute pace coming home.
So my goals for this year may be a little steep, but that's OK. I am feeling good -- staying healthy -- and that is the important thing.
I am aiming for the Bix 7 in 55 minutes. Shane and Sue may try to run it, too, and I'm sure Dave and Kim will. So that's a great goal.
Races this summer so far:
- Eldon 5K on June 14 (22-23 minutes).
- Bix on July 26 (55 minutes).
- Hopefully Run for the Schools in October (break 20).
So my goals for this year may be a little steep, but that's OK. I am feeling good -- staying healthy -- and that is the important thing.
I am aiming for the Bix 7 in 55 minutes. Shane and Sue may try to run it, too, and I'm sure Dave and Kim will. So that's a great goal.
Races this summer so far:
- Eldon 5K on June 14 (22-23 minutes).
- Bix on July 26 (55 minutes).
- Hopefully Run for the Schools in October (break 20).
Friday, March 21, 2008
Spring has sprung
Spring has sprung, and so has my running. I felt great tonight. I started with 12 minutes on the treadmill, then did 21 minutes to the Hy-Vee road and back. I just felt so much in control. The wind was blowing and it is pretty cold, but I felt strong. I'm pushing it in spots and my legs are responding well.
I completed my coaching authorization last weekend and will be helping the boys' cross country team in the fall. This is great motivation for me. I will start in the back with some of the JV/young runners and give them encouragement/motivation/direction. This gives me great motivation to keep going. Keep plugging away toward that 19-something 5K in the fall.
I also found out I will be teaching one less prep next year -- with a group of kids I really like and have a lot of connections and knowledge.
I completed my coaching authorization last weekend and will be helping the boys' cross country team in the fall. This is great motivation for me. I will start in the back with some of the JV/young runners and give them encouragement/motivation/direction. This gives me great motivation to keep going. Keep plugging away toward that 19-something 5K in the fall.
I also found out I will be teaching one less prep next year -- with a group of kids I really like and have a lot of connections and knowledge.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
It's getting easier
Today was a nice run, about 31 minutes in cool weather. That was followed by a 35-minute run a few days ago. The lowest part of my right Achilles is just a little tender, so I need to really watch that, but things are going well.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Good morning run
It was 5 a.m. and I was on the streets. It was great -- 3 miles. Very cool morning, but no wind, so it felt perfect. It's amazing what a run will do to start your day in a positive way.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Good baseline run
Wonderful run today. I like starting out with five minutes on the treadmill for a warmup, then stretching, then 25-30 minutes outside. Today happened to be a beautiful day, about 35-40 degrees with no wind. I ran very steady for 13 1/2 minutes out, then about 13 minutes coming back. So I averaged about 8:50 for three miles. It felt great. I felt strong, but not overworking myself. This is a good baseline test of where I am right now. I feel like I can keep going from here, first in terms of distance, getting up to 4-5 miles, then, with some faster running, get that "cruising" run down to 8-8:15 pace. If I can do that, I know I can run a 5K in 6:30 pace per mile, or about 20 minutes. That is what I intend to do this year.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Feeling good
It has been a long time since I could run without something holding me back, usually a nagging injury or two. But now things seem to be coming together. Nothing hurts when I run. I've increased the amount of time spent running to 33 minutes. The other day I ran 15 minutes on the treadmill, then 18 minutes outside (or 2 miles).
It is a good baseline measure of my fitness -- the ability to run 2 miles at 9-minute pace without working too hard. I felt like I was cruising. I think I could keep that up for another mile.
I'll try it again tonight, when I get home from the young writers' conference. I think I'll run exclusively outside tonight.
Early April -- 4 miles comfortably at 9-minute pace.
Early May -- 5 miles comfortably at 9-minute pace.
Early June -- After starting to insert a few faster sessions, try to get that easy run place down to 8:30.
In mid-August, I want to be able to run 6 miles in 8-8:30 pace, pretty comfortably.
Then by October, the goal is to try a 5K and break 20 minutes.
UPDATE -- After a 5-minute warmup on the treadmill, I went out and ran a half-hour, 15 minutes toward downtown and back. It was great. I was able to pick it up on the way back, with the wind. I feel great about my running right now.
It is a good baseline measure of my fitness -- the ability to run 2 miles at 9-minute pace without working too hard. I felt like I was cruising. I think I could keep that up for another mile.
I'll try it again tonight, when I get home from the young writers' conference. I think I'll run exclusively outside tonight.
Early April -- 4 miles comfortably at 9-minute pace.
Early May -- 5 miles comfortably at 9-minute pace.
Early June -- After starting to insert a few faster sessions, try to get that easy run place down to 8:30.
In mid-August, I want to be able to run 6 miles in 8-8:30 pace, pretty comfortably.
Then by October, the goal is to try a 5K and break 20 minutes.
UPDATE -- After a 5-minute warmup on the treadmill, I went out and ran a half-hour, 15 minutes toward downtown and back. It was great. I was able to pick it up on the way back, with the wind. I feel great about my running right now.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
On the right track
I had a good workout yesterday -- 33 minutes on the treadmill. The last few workouts, I have been throwing in 5-minute surges. I've been doing my abs and pushups on the ball, also. I feel very strong. I can't wait to get outside to run. I'm gonna go 30 minutes outside tomorrow, trying to keep things steady and smooth. I have visions of 90-second 400s going through my mind -- 10 of them. I think I am in good shape to do that. I am staying injury-free, too. Achilles are strong. But I'm not going to overdo it.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I'm back
Sorry I haven't updated my blog lately. I have slowed a bit, mostly because of a slight Achilles injury I suffered from running on an indoor track. But I've nursed it along and, finally, it seems much better. Today, I did 15 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes outside. It has been so cold and icy, it is hard to run safely outside. So what running I have done has been inside on my treadmill. But it feels good to be on the comeback trail. I need to stay healthy.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New year
I like beginnings and starts, cleaning the slate. In some ways, I feel like I am doing that as the new year starts and in some ways, I feel like I am continuing some great things. I am building my faith, for example. I feel like it has a stronger foundation than it ever has.
My running also is just a continuation of a strong end of the year. I feel like my running is for my own joy but it also will do good for other people. If I am healthy and running strong, I feel more well-rounded and a better father and husband and teacher.
I ran 34 minutes on the treadmill yesterday and it was a good run. I need to get over this little soreness I am having in my right achilles near the heal. Probably just 20 minutes tomorrow morning before I resume school.
My running also is just a continuation of a strong end of the year. I feel like my running is for my own joy but it also will do good for other people. If I am healthy and running strong, I feel more well-rounded and a better father and husband and teacher.
I ran 34 minutes on the treadmill yesterday and it was a good run. I need to get over this little soreness I am having in my right achilles near the heal. Probably just 20 minutes tomorrow morning before I resume school.
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