Running bike path on Valentine's Day 2010.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Toughest week over

Today I finished my 11th week of the 12-week trimester, and it was the toughest yet. I'm teaching two new classes, which includes new curriculum and a new brand of kids. So I am struggling. Grading has piled up to the point where I won't be able to give it much time. But I just wonder how much these kids care. Motivation and work ethic are in short supply for a majority of these students. Then to top it off, it was a pasteup week. Tonight, I am exhausted.

But the good thing is I got in three runs -- Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Monday -- 26 minutes. Wednesday -- 31 minutes with the girls. Tonight -- 30 minutes, including warmup and warmdown, on the treadmill. I am very happy about my week of running, despite a difficult week of work. Wednesday with the girls, I probably ran too fast and too far for my condition. My left achilles twinged just a little -- but it feels better tonight. So I am just going to try one day a week with the girls for now, Wednesday. It will give me a little bit harder effort without hurting me.

The other drawback of these exhausting, stressful weeks is that I eat terribly. Junk food much of the week. So my weight is not going down. But I will plug away at that, too.

One more week of the trimester, then a good week of rest and rejuvenation and back to the second trimester.

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