Running bike path on Valentine's Day 2010.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Great Sunday run

Today was a beautiful run. It was a beautiful day for November 11 -- warmish and overcast with little wind. I went out and just ran without a watch. I figured I went over a half-hour. My form felt great; it was just great to be running along the grass paths and on the road in the park. After about 25 minutes I took a short walk, then ran very relaxed for the last seven minutes or so. This was probably my best run to date. I figure I have been out 18 times.

I have a goal: 19 minutes for a 5K next year. I think I can get down to that level and I need to if I am going to accomplish my goal. But I also have to keep this in mind: I am a runner for life. If I make 19:20 next summer, that is fine. I'll simply get as close as I can to my 5-minute mile goal in the next two years.

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