I am so happy I ran today at the Wesleyan indoor track. Sure, it's 12 laps to the mile, and I probably ran 4 miles. But it was 36 minutes, steady pace, very little pain. I alleviated a little pain to my left knee and left foot by changing from a counterclockwise direction around the track to a clockwise direction after 10 minutes. So I ran the last 26 minutes that way and it was great. No pain. On some of the laps at the end, I was running around 7:30 pace. I concentrated on picking up my knees, letting the stride fall where it would naturally fall, and quicker turnover. Great form.
This was nice because I didn't have to battle slick streets and cold wind. I could finally run in shorts and T-shirt and feel free and fast.
The next 32 runs, and 135 miles, I want to build a good base leading into my 8-week preparation for the Drake Relays 8K:
For the rest of this week: Friday, 3 miles; Sunday (or Saturday at the UI track): 4.5 miles. (15 for the week)
Jan. 4-10: Tues, 3.5; Th, 3.5; Sat, 5. (12)
Jan. 11-17: Mon, 4; Wed, 4; Fri, 3; Sun, 5.5 (16.5)
Jan. 18-24: Tu, 3; Th, 4; Sat, 4.5 (11.5)
Jan. 25-31: Mon, 4; Wed, 4; Fri, 3; Sun, 6 (17)
Feb. 1-7: Tue, 4; Thu, 4; Sat, 6.5 (14.5)
Feb. 8-14: Mon, 3; Wed, 4; Fri, 3; Sun, 4.5 (14.5)
Feb. 15-21: Tu, 4; Th, 4; Sat, 7 (15)
Feb. 22-28: Mon, 4; Wed, 4.5; Fri, 3.5; Sun, 7.5 (19.5)
Then I go right into my 8K training schedule, incorporating some faster training.
Then I think I am going to try training for as fast a mile as I can run. I am excited heading into the new year.
Miles on shoes -- 73
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