Running bike path on Valentine's Day 2010.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Great winter run
It was very comfortable. A little slick at times in the snow and ice, but this is exactly what a winter run should be.
Friday, December 28, 2007
I'm simply maintaining. That was always my philosophy for winter running. Go easy -- maintain your conditioning, don't get hurt. Tomorrow I think I will run outside on the bike path -- in this spectacular winter wonderland. It is so beautiful with another 4 inches of snow today. The weather is moderate for winter -- about 25-30 degrees with little wind.
We also went sledding today, which is just keeping active and having fun.
Today, I read about this person named Anne Mahlum, who created a running group for homeless people in Philadelphia. She had a quote that I really believe in.
"Running is one of the most empowering activities there is because there is no end. There is always another mile, another road, another right turn. There is no buzzer and there is no referee. It has taught me so much about life, especially the simple notion that to get anywhere, you have to take it one step at a time."
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
"...let us run with patience
the race that is set before
Hebrews 12:1This was part of the reading today at church and means so much to me today. It has a literal meaning for me now. This morning, before church, I decided to run outside -- on the fresh, new snow. I love the soft sound of my feet running through the snow. It is peaceful and soothing. And that is the way it was going until, about 19 minutes into the run, I felt a sharp tweak in my lower left calf. Run over. I had to walk a mile and a half through the brutal temperatures, losing body heat with every minute, just to get home.
Run with patience. That is the key. The first thought I had after the injury is, "I don't know if I will ever get to this goal of running a 5-minute mile, but I am going to be patient and persistent." I'll take a day off, then maybe go a mile on the treadmill on Tuesday until the pain subsides. That is the difference from my injuries in past years. I would take it as a setback instead of just a small obstacle to get around. That is what this is -- one of a series of obstacles: both Achilles, the other calf, the right hamstring, the lower back/butt muscle. These are all things I have gotten around.
Tammy did get me a new pair of running shoes for Christmas, and I am thinking those represent a more injury-free me. They represent a good start to 2008. As I was talking to the Running Wild salesman, he mentioned that you just have to stay consistent. Keep going. One foot in front of the other. Even if it isn't all that fast or far. Just keep going.
Patience is such a key to everything for me right now.I need to be patient and take it step by step. It will come. I feel very good that approach.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Treadmill time
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Yesterday was the best run yet and gave me a good test of where I am. I ran 4 miles in 37 minutes -- up to Eastlake Park and back. On the way back, I pushed it, especially on a hill, and felt very strong.
Patience is paying off. I've had several obstacles, including blisters on both feet (from hurriedly putting on my socks and not smoothing out folds), a twisted ankle from last week as I was finishing my run with the girls team, a slight pain/tightness in my right hamstring (an injury I've never had before), and a little soreness in the right achilles.
So it isn't automatic. I have to work hard every day to make this happen. But it is worth working hard every day to make this happen.